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How To Grow Endless Summer Hydrangeas From Seeds

Title: How to Grow Endless Summer Hydrangeas from Seeds


Endless Summer hydrangeas are a popular choice for gardeners because they bloom all season long, from early summer to fall. They are also relatively easy to grow from seeds. In this blog post, we will walk you through the steps on how to grow Endless Summer hydrangeas from seeds.

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Step 1: Gather your supplies.

The following supplies are needed to grow Endless Summer hydrangeas from seeds:

  • Endless Summer hydrangea seeds
  • Seed starting mix
  • Plant starter trays or pots
  • Plastic wrap
  • Water
  • P fertilizer

Step 2: Prepare the seed starting mix.

Fill your seed starting trays or pots with seed starting mix. Firmly press the mix down to remove any air pockets.

Step 3: Sow the seeds.

Sprinkle the hydrangea seeds evenly over the surface of the seed starting mix. Do not bury the seeds.

Step 4: Cover the seeds with plastic wrap.

Place the plastic wrap over the seed starting trays or pots. This will help to create a humid environment, which is necessary for the seeds to germinate.

Step 5: Place the seed starting trays or pots in a warm location.

The ideal germination temperature for Endless Summer hydrangeas is 70-75 degrees Fahrenheit. Place the seed starting trays or pots in a warm location, such as a sunny windowsill or a greenhouse.

Step 6: Water the seeds regularly.

The seed starting mix should be kept moist, but not soggy. Water the seeds when the top of the soil feels dry to the touch.

Step 7: Remove the plastic wrap once the seedlings emerge.

Once the seedlings have emerged, remove the plastic wrap. The seedlings will need some sunlight to grow, but they should still be protected from direct sunlight.

Step 8: Fertilize the seedlings once a month.

Once the seedlings are a few inches tall, fertilize them with a balanced liquid fertilizer once a month.

Step 9: Transplant the seedlings outdoors once the weather warms up.

Endless Summer hydrangeas can be transplanted outdoors once the weather has warmed up and the danger of frost has passed. Choose a location that receives partial shade.

Step 10: Water the transplanted plants regularly.

The newly transplanted plants will need to be watered regularly, especially during the first few weeks.


Growing Endless Summer hydrangeas from seeds is a relatively easy process. By following the steps outlined in this blog post, you can enjoy these beautiful flowers in your own garden for years to come.

FAQ of endless summer hydrangea seeds

  • Can I start Endless Summer hydrangeas from seed?

Yes, you can start Endless Summer hydrangeas from seed. However, it is a bit more challenging than starting other types of hydrangeas from seed. Endless Summer hydrangeas are a type of reblooming hydrangea, which means they can bloom multiple times in a single season. This characteristic is not passed on through seed, so you may not get the same reblooming results from seedlings. Additionally, Endless Summer hydrangeas can take several years to reach maturity, so you may not see blooms for several seasons.

If you are still interested in starting Endless Summer hydrangeas from seed, here are some tips:

* Start the seeds indoors about 6-8 weeks before the last frost date in your area.
* Use a well-draining potting mix that is specifically formulated for hydrangeas.
* Sow the seeds 1/4 inch deep and keep the soil moist but not soggy.
* Place the seed tray in a bright location out of direct sunlight.
* Germination should occur within 10-14 days.
* Once the seedlings have developed their first set of true leaves, transplant them into individual pots.
* Harden off the seedlings by gradually exposing them to outdoor conditions for longer periods of time before planting them in the garden.
  • How long does it take for Endless Summer hydrangeas to bloom from seed?

As mentioned above, it can take several years for Endless Summer hydrangeas to bloom from seed. The exact amount of time will depend on a number of factors, including the climate, the quality of the seeds, and the care that the seedlings receive. In general, you should not expect to see blooms from seedlings for at least 2-3 years.

  • What is the best way to care for Endless Summer hydrangea seedlings?

Endless Summer hydrangea seedlings need well-draining soil, full sun to partial shade, and regular watering. They should also be fertilized once a month during the growing season. To encourage reblooming, you can deadhead the spent flowers in the fall.

  • What are some common problems with Endless Summer hydrangea seedlings?

Some common problems with Endless Summer hydrangea seedlings include:

* Damping off: This is a fungal disease that can cause seedlings to wilt and die. It is often caused by overwatering or poor air circulation.
* Root rot: This is another fungal disease that can cause seedlings to wilt and die. It is often caused by planting seedlings in wet, poorly-draining soil.
* Aphids: These small, sap-sucking insects can damage seedlings by feeding on their leaves and stems.
* Whiteflies: These small, white insects can also damage seedlings by feeding on their leaves.

If you notice any of these problems, you can treat them with a fungicide or insecticide. However, it is best to prevent these problems from occurring in the first place by following good watering practices and planting seedlings in well-draining soil.

  • What are some tips for planting Endless Summer hydrangeas in the garden?

When planting Endless Summer hydrangeas in the garden, choose a location that receives full sun to partial shade. The soil should be well-draining and slightly acidic. Amend the soil with compost or peat moss before planting. Space the plants 3-4 feet apart. Water the plants regularly, especially during the first few years after planting. Fertilize the plants once a month during the growing season. Deadhead the spent flowers in the fall to encourage reblooming.

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